representation Group

Our youthful team consists of active dancers, whose different personalities and strengths together form a successful whole. In our performances, we focus on natural expression, genuine one-minute life, and skillful and spectacular dance. In the latest dance review 2017, the group was named to the highest possible series, the championship series.

The group's software is extensive, including a set of traditional Finnish business and cultural traditions, as well as the most modern dance works that the world combines tradition with today's dancers' own personality. Varied, professional dance teachers and choreographers bring versatility, challenge and interest to the group.

Ryhmä harjoittelee säännöllisesti kaksi kertaa viikossa ja lisäharjoituksia pidetään tarpeen mukaan. Ryhmää opettavat tanssinopettajat Emma Kantelinen ja Timo Salonen. Edustusryhmässä on tilaa uusille jo tanssia harrastaneille tanssijoille, jotka haluavat panostaa tanssitaitoon ja laadukkaisiin esityksiin!

The Representative Group appears on order at various events. The group's software will bend into both small and large spaces, from a few minutes to a full concert.
